Friday, March 6, 2015

STL Server Update 03/06/15

Hey guys!

You may have attempted to connect over the past couple of days and found you were unable to. No worries! I have fixed the problem.
We've been trying to get Clelie hard-lined into the network so it won't lag so badly for her, and in the process the IPv4 address has changed a couple of times. Every time this happens, it has to be changed in the server file, AND on the port-forwarding page of the network, otherwise no one outside the house can port in. I had changed the address on the server file, but forgot to mirror that change on the port-forwarding end. Derp.

This does not affect how you connect to the STL server, which should be exactly the same as before, so no need to worry.

If you find in the future that the server is not available to connect to, let me know and I'll check that the address hasn't been changed again.

Sorry for the inconvenience!


P.S. I'll be doing another post soon highlighting some of the cool builds and goings-on of STL. Lots of stuff has been happening, so keep an eye out! Yay building things!

Friday, February 20, 2015

STL Today! - 02/20/15

Been an active couple days of existence for the STL server!

New Players: Chris Yowell (Chaoslord_1313)

Builds (HeavyMetalRobot):

HQ Resource Room
Location: STL HQ (basement)

I just finished up the HQ Resource Room last night, and boy was that a pain in the ass. I HOPE YOU GUYS ARE HAPPY, because it's awesome :D. Use it.

I'm currently working on the HQ Food Bank so we have a spot to store all our omnoms. It'll be very much like the Resource Room, with all the chests, but it will just be for food and food-crafting items.

Once that's done I plan to move on to an enchanting room, and an armory... cool names to be decided. Probably with "HQ" somewhere in them.

Builds (Chaoslord_1313):

Location: Mountains outside STL HQ 

Yep. Chris built an outhouse. All the way to bedrock. He also flushed himself into oblivion by digging through said bedrock.

  • Pro-tip: Don't dig through bedrock.

Last I checked he filled it with lava. Protect your butts. The sign is my contribution.

STL Server Update - 02/20/15

Hey guys!

Just chiming in with some info on the server as of the moment, so everyone has some idea of where we're currently at. In the future, all server update posts will be labeled "STL Server Update [date]," just fyi.

The server is currently running in "Creative Mode" until I get some things sorted out. This means that there are unlimited resources available to you to build with, you won't take damage (you can still fall through the world though... just ask Chris... don't dig through bedrock), and there are no mobs currently spawning.

While you play, you may notice it switching from nighttime to daytime suddenly. I just prefer to build in the daytime, as it's easier to see, so I use admin commands to switch time/weather as needed.

Feel free to abuse Creative Mode to your hearts desire, as it won't be available forever! Just try not to do anything extreme like give yourselves crazy stacks of resources to use later or crap like that. That's a bit much.

  • One note about Creative Mode: You can not collect resources in this mode, so mining ore/killing animals/harvesting crops will yield no drops. Please try not to waste resources by doing this. Save it for Survival Mode.

I will give everyone ample heads-up before making the swap to Survival Mode so that you can make sure to have your bases well lit to protect against unwanted mob spawn.

At the moment, I am not running the server during the night, as none of us currently white-listed stay up into the wee hours of the morning, but I do turn the server on before I go to work so that it may be accessed during the day. Please feel free to take advantage of this!

That's about it for the technical side of things.

Stay tuned for the first update of STL Today! where I talk about the cool stuff happening in our server!

Have fun guys!
